How it works

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Enter Website URL

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Add App Information

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Generate App

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Check out the demo video below... Make sure to set video in HD (best quality) if it's not clear.

Apps built with Web2App update and sync data instantly in the platform when data changes on the website.

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AdMob integration


You can monetize your App and earn extra funds by adding AdMob integration.
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Apps are more convenient for users & easier to navigate, and they give app owners lead over competitors in engagement. If you’re doing business in any capacity, you need to have a mobile app.
App monetization is better than the revenue of websites nowadays. Just think how huge Tinder, Snapchat and Uber are right now!
The Mobile App Industry is currently the fastest growing industry in the world... Can YOU afford to miss out?
Mobile apps are estimated to reach $143 billion revenue with 267 billion app downloads over the next 2 years.
Stats show Mobile Users spend 86% of their time on mobile apps and just 14% on websites - think about this, because it’s going to impact your business whether you like it or not...



Since I have a start-up restaurant business, and building my customer base, this app generator has helped create a highly immersive app for my e-commerce website and capture more mobile customers.

Web2App has been a great app generating tool. We now have an amazingly useful business app that takes our clients by surprise for its awesome appearance and functionality.

With Web2App, literally anyone can both build and maintain highly engaging apps with no coding or design skills. For most small businesses like mine, DIY mobile app builder is the best solution because it allows owning an app without breaking the bank.

Through mobile app, I have obtained a greater number in terms of readership, downloads, and impressions. Thanks to mobile app builder--Web2App. Now, a larger number of readers can access my publications.

I have never imagined creating a mobile app with no coding skills. But, yes it can actually work. Web2App DIY platform is easy to use loaded with great features. All you need to do is follow few steps.

I was looking for a mobile app developer for my home business that is when I stumbled upon Web2App. Not only is it affordable but it turns our website into a great-looking app and helping to engage with our clients more efficiently