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July 26, 2023DTR TMU FB-33C
August 6, 2023The Right Use Is What Counts!
Push notifications are a popular communication tool to keep customers up to date. Be it to remind moviegoers of the upcoming show or to send the hot breaking news as push notification to their mobile phones. The possible uses for these messages are almost endless. And this is the crux of the matter: Often companies are quickly overwhelmed and do not know how to use push-notifications profitably. Our ten tips should help you not to lose your courage to keep track.
10 Tips to Inspire Customers With Push-Notifications
1. Welcome Message
Your customers want to feel welcome the first time they open your app. You can do this by sending them a welcome message. In this message you not only welcome them, but you can also tell them about the added value they experience through your app.
2. Inform Them About New Features And Functions
If you have taken a new function or feature live in your app, inform your customers about it. This shows them that you are constantly working on your app and improving it. In this way you increase the user experience within the app and can ensure that the app is used regularly.
3. Reminder Message
We all have a lot on our plate these days. It can happen that you forget an important date or put something in the shopping cart without finishing the payment process. Here, too, push-notifications support and can be ideally used as a reminder.
4. Increase User Engagement
Once a user has registered in your app, you can easily increase user engagement. With the registration you will receive more information about your customer, e.g. what he likes to read, shop or where his interests lie. You can use this information to send them individual offers directly as a push notification. In this way you avoid the watering can principle and can be sure that this information really interests your user.
5. Locate The Right Customers
Sending a push notification with the watering can principle and hoping that it already reaches the right customers makes no sense and is counterproductive. Some of your customers may be interested in product or service A, while others want to know more about product/service B. To do this, analyze your customer base to find out their interests in order to send suitable messages.
6. Do Not Be Annoying!
Like with everything in life: don’t overdo it with push notifications. Many companies send their customers a push notification several times a week. The motto is: my customer has accepted the push notifications in the app, so I can spam him! Not at all! Find out the right frequency and above all the right customers.
7. A/B Tests
A/B testing is a great way to see which push notifications are best received by which customers. Create two different versions of a push message and change the content of one with regard to text and/or Call to Actions. Then send one message to customer base A and the other to customer group B. Within a week you will be able to see which push-notifications converts more successfully.
8. Push-Notifications And The Right Time
Right timing is crucial: use tools to plan your push notifications to reach your users at the right time and in the right place. If you don’t succeed, they lose interest and won’t use your app anymore. This will also help you to adjust your marketing strategy and your measures accordingly
9. Limited Real-Time Offers
Push notifications are also ideal for sending time-limited offers or discounts to your customers. For example, you can set this up as a countdown and inform your customers about the offer in a certain rhythm, e.g. Only 2 days left or Today last day.
10. Creativity Pays Off
Entertain your customers with your push notifications. Be creative and original! This will automatically make you stand out from the crowd out there and show your customers that you are thinking of something to put a smile on their faces as well as an offer. You can find a few examples in this older blog post.
Push Notification: Know how to succeed
With the wealth of apps available in both App Stores, it is important to stand out. Not only with regard to the content of an app, but also how push-notifications are communicated. The top ten tips give a first overview of how companies can do it right. Of course, a detailed analysis of the customer base and how they themselves communicate with their customers is still required.